This is an update of photos from around the site this morning. I have been away from it the past few days so was good to get back to it - back achingly good! :-)
Tomatoes in the greenhouse are growing well - plenty of flowers - waiting on the fruit to start forming next. |
Chilli plant in the greenhouse - flowering nicely too - probably needs potting up soon |
Spuds are growing well - some damage from the rain last week, but coming back nicely |
Leeks closest and onions growing well |
Spuds in raised bed - growing well - had a look at some of the earlies, but only pebbles yet but they were planted late |
Lettuce on the left, bush tomato and basil under the cloche and strawberry plants with plenty of fruit that just needs to ripen |
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4 rows of carrots - all planted at different times. The ones in the toilet rolls are looking a lot healthier now |
Beetroot - 2 rows |
Onions in bed with leeks on the right |
Parsnips - looking very healthy |
Broccoli nearly ready to pick, Brussels sprouts and cabbage/cauliflower on the left |
Rock garden - flowering nicely |
Strawberry pot - again waiting to ripen! |
Bed beside the rock garden - various shrubs and bedding plants in there, Also a family sunflower competition! |
Potatoes in pot - very small |
View back looking towards the house from the beds |
Fruit trees and wildflower garden which has been a bit of a disappointment this year compared to last year - grass has taken over |
Peas - mangetout to the front of the row and then petit pois - seem to be a bit behind most peoples |
Our gift to the kids arrived today - bought a wooden playhouse - will update with photos once we get it together, hopefully over the weekend if its dry! Its a thanks to them for losing their parents most evenings to the garden. |
Picked my first head of Broccoli this evening - couldn't wait - on the menu for dinner tomorrow! |
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